Thursday, September 29, 2005

From the Management

I received the following letter on Naman Howell Smith & Lee letterhead on Tuesday.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing you regarding the free money you are giving in honor of September 23rd.

Please send the money to the following address:

Shadow Lawyer
P.O. Box 1470
900 Washington Ave, 7th Floor
Waco, TX 76703-1470
I am glad to help you celebrate your happiness for September 23rd. If you would like I can have the rest of the firm write as well. Thank you for your generosity.


This then is my response, which will be mailed later today.

Shadow Lawyer
Naman Howell Smith & Lee
P.O. Box 1470
900 Washington Ave., 7th Floor
Waco, TX 76703-1470

Dear Sir,

Due to the overwhelming response to the blog “My Teresa” by Clifford PLusk, we are unable to fulfill your recent request for free money. There are several reasons.

1. Who knew that anyone actually read his blog?

2. While it is true that there was an offer to pay $100 to every reader of that certain blog, by writing to this address, If you will carefully read the blog in question, you will see that the author states,

“So in honor of September 23rd, the greatest day ever, I'm giving everyone who reads this $100 dollars. Just write to
Free Money
2801 N. 42nd St.
Waco, TX 76710” (emphasis added)

As you can plainly see, the obligation to pay the $100 rests squarely on the blog author, (or blauthor), and not with the management of 2801 N. 42nd St. To date the blauthor has funded the Free Money group exactly nada.

3. There is no such thing as free money.

4. If there were, you attorneys would have cornered the market.

In light of the foregoing, please do not encourage any of your associates to write requesting any money. If they are strapped for cash, they should look toward the time-honored traditions and just overbill clients as they have done in the past.

Thank you and have a nice day.

- The Management
- 2801 N. 42nd Street
- Waco, TX 76710


cc: CPL; JMG ;YM


TheCrazySquirrel said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

wanna bet!!!!