There are days when I just sit there and look at that question and think, "Man do I ever want to quit!!", and then I start thinking about what I could be doing if it weren't for all of this time I am having to spend working.
Do you think that the people who write programs for a living know that they are messing with my head everytime that I see this? I mean, they could have asked "Are you certain you want to exit?" or "Close Application?" or even "Do you want to quit?", but no it is always "Do you really want to quit?", as if "Do you want to quit?" would not convey the feeling properly.
I really want to quit. You could make that happen, you know, my friend in a high place.
We could open up a buisness. Of course Staci would have to start paying for Baylor herself for a while. Unless you have a great buisness idea. I have a couple, but oh well I guess.
Anonymous Slave;
If I made that happen, you would not be quitting you would be fired. Is that what you really want?
Steve, we need you to come into the office after lunch to "talk."
Putting me gently through the fire wouldn't burn too bad.
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