Teresa displays pouty but slightly amused....

Brittney is pouty and largely confused.....

Crackuh looks pouty and fairly obtuse....

Whereas Trish says "How You doin'?

There is also a picture of Laura Cockerham with this bunch, but that picture was deemed to be a bit too steamy for this blog, so I was forced to omit it.
I added this picture, because it made me laugh. I am not sure what it is about, but it is amusing, nonetheless.

Oh, and a quick update on Cliff's handburn. By digitally enlarging the picture we were able to determine that Cliff had a Close Encounter with something a little more menacing than the spatter screen.

Remember "Clifford P - phone home." and "Be Gooooood"
i know who controls powerpoint at the church . . . behave yoself
Jesus controls it right? Or is it Pastor Emeritus?
Who's that girl in the first picture...she's HOTTTTT.
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