Look at the expression on Jan's face!! (Shocked AND appalled)

Trish as Pam Cookie

The Doctor said Jan couldn't eat nuts, he said nothing about snorting them.

Brit looks berry interesting.....

All this mayhem caused by, you guessed it, CHOCOLATE! I really am beginning to think that it should be a controlled substance, at least when it comes to these three.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAA HA HAha ha ha ha ha haa....ha...h......a...ha...h....wheewww. That was funny. Jan looks CRAAAAAAAZY!
All though I've grown to expect that from Brit. and Trish, I can't believe Jan would resort to such puffery.
who IS that crazy person wearing my body. I was asleep in my bed when the puffery was going on. Furthermore...I would never put nuts up MY nose. Remmy.. the dr told me no nuts!!!!!!!I'm a good girl, I am!!!
i can't believe that you stayed around long enough to take these pictures. these poor women being taken in by the drug of the cocoa bean, and all you do is make fun of them. can't you see they are miserable and crazed?
Those are rather harsh words to toss around if I do say so myself, Mr. Bowden. Beware - we know where you live, and we're coming over anyway on Friday night, so the chocolate fondue may strike yet again!!!
Ok, I zoomed in on that picture. Do I see chocolates on the table? Chocolates on a chocolate fondue table? Like, did you dip that stuff in more chocolate? Double dip? Whoa.... mind-blowing. That WAS a serious girl night if you pull out the chocolate to dip in the fondue!!!!
Can I come over next Friday?
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