I needed to post some pictures from recent dinners and other happenings that have been mentioned on the blog. First last Tuesday night's dinner. Here is a photo of Scott enjoying the dessert that crackuh made for us.

Brit and the crackuh were really worn out from all the cooking that they had to do to get the potatoes and fixin's ready, so they just spent the entire evening sleeping on the couch. This was the first time that Brittney slept face up on the couch, so it was something of a milestone event. As you can tell by the picture Brit snores, and Elizabeth is a sloppy eater. (Makes her fit right in here at the Gohring's. Jan says I always look good in anything I eat.)

Later that week we had the not at all famous North Waco blackout. We were convinced that al qaeda was behind this, but the lights went out for nearly an hour here. We kept a sharp lookout for looters and/or looting opportunities, but our fears were ungrounded (and opportunities limited by the number of homeowners with guns in my neighborhood) and lights (and a/c!) were restored in a reasonable time. The following pics are from the blackout. (You can tell from the candles, but because I used a flash, they turned out really bright.)
First we have Cliff vigilantly watching for looters, raccoons or Osama bin Laden, as Jan calls people we know to see if they are in the dark as well. (Interesting lighting effect from the candles in this picture.)

And Cliff in this picture is talking on the cellular phone at a moment when he thought it was too dark for Steve to be taking pictures.

And finally, last night, Staci and Cliff showed us what happens when you bend back a plastic spoon and strike someone in the head with it.

I'm going to put sand in your gas tank. Oh, and I called your boss...he just fired you! And for the record I am scratching my belly!! ....sinner
you need to turn your comments back to pop up window
To what do you object Brit?
And I turned the comments pop-up back on to please Clifford.
I completely understand why the lovely young ladies have gone to sleep on your couch.........once you sit on that couch, you have to work, and work, and work to stand back up. They apparently just wore themselves out and had to take a nap!!!
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