When you gonna git me the recipe for dat one???
For those of you who didn't SEE or taste the cheese ball (too bad for u) ...it looked very different than the one you see in the picture above. It was perfect and so delicious. I'm craving some right now.
For our Tuesday night Family dinner last week Brit, Elizabeth & Trish cooked up some taters with all da fixins and Eliz made a chesse ball that was so good..not to mention a Choc layered dessert that everyone really got 'INTO". (Check back later for a clear understanding of that last statement.)
Come on Crackuh...Send the recipe out to yo homies!!!!
When we arrived on Saturday and were offered some of the afore mentioned Cheese Ball, I had no idea it had been there since Tuesday! After I tasted it, I can't imagine how it stayed around that long! It was wonderful! Anxious to get that recipe! And even though when I saw it it was more the size of a picked-before-its-time walnut, it was still prettier than the pictured cheese ball!
dang! that's what i'm talkn bout. fer real it was SOME cheese ball!
hook a sista up!
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