Monday, September 27, 2010

Texas in Late September.

You know that you are finally coming out of the Texas summer when you are sitting with friends, as I was on Saturday at noon, watching a youth soccer game, when someone comments about how chilly it is getting. You get in your car, and notice that the outside temperature is in the lower 80s. Riiiiiiight..., chilly. Teresa would definitely have needed a sweater.

Philosophical moment coming....., Life is just sort of like that, we get so used to things being just one certain way, then any small change happens and it seems so major. It is funny how we often perceive change, any change, as being far more traumatic and drastic than it probably really is.

But, thank goodness that the worst of the hot weather seems to be behind us now, that is change I can get behind, even if it means I feel a little chilly.


Cliff L said...

And she would have had one too!!!!

Teresa said...
