I just wanted to share a thought with my faithful blog readers. (Both of you.) I will start by saying that I am still fighting this gulf-coast crud that I have had since about half-way into the adult mission trip to Pascagoula, and I am tired of sneezing, aching and coughing. That notwithstanding, I am at work this week, and because of visits by auditors, examiners, directors, etc., I am required all week long to wear a tie. Now, I own quite a few ties, and don't mind occasionally wearing one, but an entire week???!!! (I have gotten quite spoiled since my days at the Bank, when I wore a suit every day of the week, and only enjoyed an infrequent casual Friday.) At any rate, this has gotten me, once again, started thinking about ties. At what point in the history of man did it suddenly become fashionable to tie a colored piece of fabric tightly around your throat? Why do we equate being uncomfortable with being fashionable? I guess there are a lot of other things that we can be thankful are no longer considered fashionable. Top Hats, monocles, spats, canes (I'm getting an image of Mr. Peanut all of the sudden....)

and notice that even HE, natty dresser that he is, doesn't wear a tie. (Although that might not be a fashion statement as much as an acknowledgement that he has no neck. I mean, look at him, he would have to tie the tie around his middle, and it would probably have to go under his arms. Come to think of it, if Mr. Potato Head had a tie, he would wear it just above his shoes. Maybe I just need to rethink tie placement... they said I had to wear one, they didn't dictate the exact location. HMMM.....)
That last little bit only makes sense if you think about the current Mr. Potato Head.

But back in the day, Mr. Potato Head had a fo' real body (with legs!) and his arms didn't come out the side of his skull like some sort of mutant. But if you remembered this, then you are probably as old as me.

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