Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Turkey Day

I am a little behind on posting on the Blog. Cliff points out that he got a new internet-enabled phone so he can track changes in the blogs, and he chided me for not having any new posts.

I hope that you and your family had a blessed and safe Thansgiving. Ours was good. My brother Bill and his family came over, as did my Dad, and all of the kids, Scott, Staci, Stephen and Trish were all here as well. We had the huge meal, and then played some touch football in the front yard. It was a most excellent day.

The only picture we managed to take was the one of the table before we put the food out. Once we began eating, we failed to take any more pix.

Ella thinks that Thanksgiving smells REAL good!


Anonymous said...

i made your xmas present last night. arent you happy! ~Cliff

Anonymous said...

Great Meal Momma G! Thank You!