Today's Blog is dedicated to my Hero, Alan Bowden. He is the 'wind beneath my wings'.
Here's to you Alan, I hope that you have a great day, even though you have to share it with all those Veterans.
Wherein I speak about whatever I feel like speaking about, and you for some unknown reason read it.
Whats wrong with sharing it with verterans? I'm a verteran!
I have nothing against veterans, some of my best friends are veterans. (well, one). I'm just saying it stinks to have to share your birthday, that's all. Think about it, you are having a birthday, and you're thinking maybe today you'll get that annual birthday card with the check for $5 from grandma, so you go out and check the mailbox, and whammo! no mail, it's a postal holiday! Just not fair I tell you.
verteran's rock...so to veterans
ok daddy, i blogged... you can take me off the naughty list
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