Other than thanks for everyone who called, e-mailed, tried to e-mail (allegedly-Trish), mailed, etc.
I have a great family and friends.
Hey, come by the house sometime and we can play our "45's" on my new record player. (It's groovy!)
Wherein I speak about whatever I feel like speaking about, and you for some unknown reason read it.
I prefer to play 42. Why did you have to grow old?
I was going to call (again)...but I needed to blog my Happy Birthday Steve post - and by the time I finished (took me an hour!) you were going to sleep!!!! And then, I spend an hour blogging happy birthday and you don't even comment on it!
Happy late Birthday, Steve!
I would have called, but I was confused. I didn't know if Cliff's post was on your birthday (Tuesday), or if it was in anticipation of a Wednesday birthday. Since, you know, he posted after 10 and you were already drooling on your pillow by then.
So I just did nothing.
Isn't that thoughtful of me?
hmmmm.....let me guess how old you are!
45 is nothing. look how long those people in Genesis lived.
nonetheless, Happy Belated Birthday! i hope your family makes it a good week for you!
I sing songs about Steve too...like there's one I titled "Back Hair and Desert"...thats my favorite ;) (i'm sure momma gohring will get that!)
OK, apparently Trish DID send a couple e-mails birthday wishes, but she sent them to Scott's e-mail account.... So I withdraw my 'alleged' comment.
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