Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Birthday, Yesterday, That is all

Other than thanks for everyone who called, e-mailed, tried to e-mail (allegedly-Trish), mailed, etc.

I have a great family and friends.

Hey, come by the house sometime and we can play our "45's" on my new record player. (It's groovy!)


Anonymous said...

I prefer to play 42. Why did you have to grow old?

TheCrazySquirrel said...

I was going to call (again)...but I needed to blog my Happy Birthday Steve post - and by the time I finished (took me an hour!) you were going to sleep!!!! And then, I spend an hour blogging happy birthday and you don't even comment on it!

mark said...

Happy late Birthday, Steve!

I would have called, but I was confused. I didn't know if Cliff's post was on your birthday (Tuesday), or if it was in anticipation of a Wednesday birthday. Since, you know, he posted after 10 and you were already drooling on your pillow by then.

So I just did nothing.

Isn't that thoughtful of me?

Anonymous said...

hmmmm.....let me guess how old you are!

45 is nothing. look how long those people in Genesis lived.

nonetheless, Happy Belated Birthday! i hope your family makes it a good week for you!

TheCrazySquirrel said...

I sing songs about Steve there's one I titled "Back Hair and Desert"...thats my favorite ;) (i'm sure momma gohring will get that!)

Papa Steve said...

OK, apparently Trish DID send a couple e-mails birthday wishes, but she sent them to Scott's e-mail account.... So I withdraw my 'alleged' comment.