Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Relay for Life

Through the hard work of my wife and daughter, and many of our dear friends, I am pleased to announce that we were able to raise $2,706 as a group (Jan's Fans) for the American Cancer Society in this year's Relay for Life. Way beyond our initial goal of $1,000, and representing, I think, a great success for our first time. It is a testimony to the giving nature of our friends and family, and the love that they all have for Jan, that we were able to be so successful.

Even Chet Edwards came out and put in an appearance, although I am not sure how effective this was as a campaign stop for him.


Unknown said...

surely Chet wasn't campaigning....i think he was there for the cause!

Papa Steve said...

@Alan - Actually he had some opening comments, and spoke of his mother's fight with cancer, and how she died shortly after he was married. It was very touching and completely sincere. So, I would have to say it was not all about campaigning, although he was clearly in "campaign-mode".