Monday, March 03, 2008

Prison Trip

We were on the Columbus Avenue Baptist Church Choir Prison trip this last weekend, and we had a very good time. We always enjoy these trips, when we have the opportunity to go and minister to prisoners. If you are ever presented with a similar opportunity, I would highly recommend that you take advantage of it. I have never been around a group of people that so clearly appreciates an act of kindness as when I go on the prison trip. The offenders in all the units are excited to see us as we arrive, pay complete attention the entire time we are there, and sing along and laugh and just enjoy themselves while the concert is performed. I am sure that a big part of it is that they spend a lot of time seeing the same relatively small group of people day after day and any deviation from the norm is appreciated.

Public Service Announcement
The serious portion of this blog has now ended. If you do not want to suffer my inane comments, I suggest that you stop reading the rest of this post, and do something more edifying with your computer time, like google your name and see what you come up with.

Random Observations from the Back of the Tenor Section.

This year our trip included a side trip to possibly the tackiest place on earth, the Texas Prison Museum. Here in addition to historical displays of various shivs and other homemade weapons that prisoners have made, there is a replica of a jail cell that you can have your picture taken in, complete with the stainless steel toilet/sink unit that no jail cell would be complete without. An electric chair, a model of the historic Walls Unit, and various other items of historical significance are also on display. At the gift shop, in addition to must-have items, such as leather beer can koozies (made by offenders), bobble head convicts in striped clothing, and other typical gift shop crap, you can purchase T-Shirts that are emblazoned with "Pen State" and other equally tacky slogans. I was going to suggest that they begin to offer a "My Daddy rode the lightning, and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt" shirt, but by then it was time to get back on the bus.

The next day, when we were at the Walls Unit, we were all very surprised to learn that one of our number, (I believe it was number 17), was not only a former volunteer at the Walls Unit, but apparently is also the only surviving Civil War veteran. (I may have that wrong, but ask Chuck, I think he can confirm it.)


Anonymous said... can still type. cool

Papa Steve said...

It's that sort of sarcasm that crushes my sprirt and makes me put away my keyboard.

Anonymous said...

i could've sworn chuck said he helped build the walls unit.....