Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Media is out to get me.

I should have known better than to bring up my solution for global-warming, because as soon as I presented my plan, crack-pot theories are being tossed out by the media in an attempt to drown out my voice in a sea of lunacy.

No doubt the local news writer who (whom?) I occasionally play basketball with has been reading my blog, and has notified his superiors at the paper about my "Two-fer Tuesdays"TM plans for solving the world's excess CO2 problems. This cabal then plotted on ways to discredit me. How else would they have come up with this unlikely article on the front page of the paper today, under the headline "Recipe for a CO2 Solution?".

Baking Soda? You have got to be kidding me. Who makes this crap up? It all sounds like alchemy to me, not a well thought-out plan such as "Two-fer Tuesday"TM .

Well we'll just have to see if combining CO2 with NaHO really makes NaHCO3. That seems to me to be about as likely as SO3 and H2O making H2SO4.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interestingly enough, J.B. Smith, who wrote that article is also the sherrif of my home town. I mean, it must be the same guy -- J.B. Smith is such an unusual name that it couldn't be two different guys, right?

Welcome back to the blogging world! I'm sure that your recent posts will do a tremendous amount to solve the global warming problem that we're all facing. Keep up the great ideas!