Thursday, October 20, 2005

Tuesday Night Redux

It was a low-key affair this last Tuesday night. B. Hood was otherwise disposed, Crackuh couldn't make it, and Upward evaluations kept others away. But, Jan, Cliff, Teresa, Laura, Mallory and I got together for Mexican Stackup. I've got only one picture from the night's activities, and I present it now.

I was going to say something smart-alecky like "There's no way that you can convince me that Jeff had anything to do with something this cute." or something like that, but then, as I was looking through my picture file to find this one to post, I ran across this one.

So I guess that it is possible for Beauty to overpower the Beast....

Finally, another shot from the past for those who still do not believe that shaggy hair is a cyclical event. Allow me to give you my high school sophomore (or junior, I forget) year school photo.

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