Monday, October 17, 2005

momma g back at work!!!???!!!

It's true...I started back to work today. In fact I'm at work right now. (trying to see if I will get fired for blogging on the job ). I don't have a regular schedule yet and have been given a "Special Assignment" for three days. Basically that means I sit in my office with a student who is currently serving in ISS and I do nothing while said students does paperwork. Well, at least I'm here.

Many of you have asked about my treatment and side effects...........This week I do not have treatment so I expect to feel 'good' most of the week. I still have some annoying side effects that keep me running down the hall to the restroom fairly often. I'm tired but I have more energy this week than the week of a treatment. Other side effects have included muscle spasms with some temporary paralysis in my left arm and hand... (that tends to go away within a few minutes.) Also some muscle twitching on my lip, left eye, and both arms and legs, large muscle spasms in my calves that cause me to walk off balance just a little. Most of these have worn off this week. I'm wondering if I will have them all again next week as I go back for another treatment. I do have some new meds to try next week for nausea and one pill that promises to keep me awake ALL day. Susan Claybrook gave me some ginger candy that works great for instant nausea relief.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and encouragement. It's a joy to have such a large, loving Christian family to support me during this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since your working now can I have a new phone?