My mysterious friend on another continent tagged me with the following. I assume it would be the worst form of netiquette for me not to go along with this. The Rules:1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.2. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their 8 things) and post these rules.4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose people to get tagged and list their names.5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. I was born left-handed, but as the youngest of three boys, with my oldest brother being only two and a half years older than me, my mom decided that my family could not afford to buy all new mitts, scissors, and whatnot, so she decided that she would train me to use my right hand for everything. You would think that this would make me slightly ambidextrous, but, in fact, I am pretty useless at everything, no matter which hand I use. This also contributed to the fact that I could not tie my shoes until relatively late, and I was born way before Velcro.
2. I have lived in Texas for almost 33 years, and yet, I don't think of myself as being a Texan.
3. I have remarkably thin wrists considering how wide the rest of me is. (This is not my wrist, by the way.)
4. My first swim lesson was in Long Island Sound. It consisted of a fat guy rowing me about 50 yards out in a boat, throwing me out, and telling me to swim back to shore. If you made it to the beach, you got your Red Cross Minnow card. I sank like a rock. Consequently I would not go above waist high in water until I was 11.
5. I don't like to take baths. Maybe because of the previous fact, but mostly because, like Lewis Grizzard, I do not want to wash my face in water that I have been sitting in.
6. In the entire time that we have been married I have held three jobs. Two of them have been for the last 25 years. I only mention this, because I have learned that longevity on any job is becoming a thing of the past.
7. Growing up we had two dogs, one a Pekingese, the other a Brittany Spaniel, both were named Joey. We loved dogs, we just weren't too good at coming up with names. 

8. One of my mostest favoritest foods in the world is Bleu Cheese. I can eat this stuff right out of the package on a cracker, melted on a hamburger, in salad dressing, whatever. The sharper the flavor the better. Mama G just refuses to have anything to do with me after I eat it, until I go and brush my teeth.
If I now must tag other persons, then I would like to pick on, er, um, pick Tito (he can publish his list on Britty's Blog), Mark M., Alan B., and Cliffie.
I have never heard of a Brittany spaniel. She is rather poofy.
I laughed out loud at the swimming story. I don't like water above waist high but I never got thrown out of a boat.
I wonder if Steve knows someone posted on his blog??
Boy, it's a good thing Tito's last name wasn't Spaniel.
And Steve, I'm glad to know that although you avoid milk, you do not avoid all dairy products. Even if your calcium intake comes from extra-sharp bleu cheese, at least you get that vital neutrient. Otherwise you might get osteoporosis and your thin wrists would snap like little twigs.
Jan has me on calcium, so no worries.
By the way it has been 281 days, and no milk yet.
you are an evil man, Papa Steve, with your tagging stunt...
The Brittany Spaniel isn't the poofy one; that's the Pekingese. I saw a Pekingese one time that I thought was really handsome-looking. It was shaved down, so not poofy, with the tail left long, and looked quite nice. Until then, I'd never thought they were very pretty. I guess it was shaved for summer. It was at our front door, and raced into the house when I opened the door, only to race out when Friday poofed up as big as he could. Neither animal knew what he'd encountered, but both knew they didn't like it!
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