Up to this point, this had been a good thing as well, because it is just a few steps from my desk to..., anyway, on to the real issue. The walls at most offices are not real thick, because they are interior walls, they don't require insulation, so the wall next to my desk is not a great deterrent to sound. Now, I know what you are thinking, "What could possibly make that much noise to be a problem?" No doubt your mind racing to all sorts of possible answers, which I assure you are most likely NOT the case. This issue is this. I have a coworker that frequents this facility on average twice a day, and he proceeds to, after other activities, I suppose, begin a ritual of sinus clearing, snorting etc. that is genuinely troubling. The first week or so, I felt real compassion for the guy, he clearly had a bad head cold. But this has been going on for MONTHS. I tried clearing my throat loudly in my office to convey the relative thinness of the walls, no effect. I took to turning music on in my office when it started, to try and cover up the sound, no luck. This really makes me nauseous to hear daily, but the topper of all came this last week, when I was in the aforementioned room, sitting in one of the designated spots, when the door opened. I performed the requisite rituals observed by men everywhere when someone enters the facility when it is in use. I tapped my foot, cleared my throat, you know, the usual. But Mr. Phlegmy, much to my astonishment, finished up his preliminary activity, and then began the sinus project, while I sat there having to listen to it in that surreal bathroom tile acoustic environment. Upon my attempt to exit the situation, as I was washing my hands, this person then backed away from the sink and dropped his pants to adjust his shirt tuck, etc., as he was talking to me, so clearly any attempt on my part to appeal to his sense of propriety would be wasted. I look forward to hearing anyone's thoughts.
It could be worse. I was walking through the city park the other day and stumbled across a woman and her daughter behind some trees. The woman was standing, but as the girl heard me approach, she rose from her semi-recumbant posture and... that's right.... full moon.
I'm sure that the poor girl will never forget my face. I, on the other hand, didn't notice hers. If she was to ask me if I remember her, I'd have to ask her to drop her pants. And, I'm not willing to do that.
Apparently, your co-worker is.
You know, you could tell him to read your blog. Or, you could post a sign on the door saying that it's out of order. Or, you could take all the tp and kleenex out of the restroom. (Just make sure you have your own supply.) Yup, there's my helpful suggestions.
@brit - No, that is just a representative picture of the facilities, ours are not near so new (or clean)
I say take him out to lunch and then during that say - you know I can hear all that crap you do in the bathroom....every day!
Or, even better, you could just poop on his desk with a little note that says "Quit doing that in the bathroom or else"
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