Monday, May 08, 2006


19 years ago today, my favorite daughter, Staci, was born. (Sorry about that Trish and Brit), and today is also her last final and her last official day of freshman-dom?-ry?-ism?

Please wish her a Happy Birthday if you see her today.


Anonymous said...

(Sun to the tune of Happy B-Day Jesus)(thats Hey-Zus)

Haaaappy Birthday Staci.........I'm so glad your Staci.......all the purses and boys....doo doo dooooby doo doo....and its all just for yoooouuuuuu.....happy birthday Staci......every-body looooves yoouuu

Anonymous said...

that is supposed to say SUNG

Anonymous said...

Happi happi happi birthdai, Staci!

-From a fellow Name-ends-with-an-i Society member