Thursday, April 20, 2006

Prison Trip Recap

Sorry I am just now getting around to this, but we had a great time last weekend on the prison trip. (And, yes, they let us back out, although it is decidedly easier to get into prisons than it is to get out.) Jan and I did, I think, an admirable job as grown-ups. (My impersonation of Ed W. singing Sir Mix-a-Lot notwithstanding) That is to say, no one was maimed or otherwise seriously injured, and we had a good time, so that qualifies as a successful trip in my book.

F'real though, beyond having a lot of fun on the bus (and what happens on the bus, stays on the bus), the College Singers and Ringers did a wonderful job bringing the meaning of the Easter season to the prisoners. The dramas were dramatic, the music was musical and the bells were bell-rific. I hoped to have some pictures to share, but that will have to wait until I get some from B-Hoody and the "kids" (as Uncle Chucky called them) from the trip.

As a side comment, there were a lot more prisoners this trip, than any other that I have been on in the past, that came up to me and told me that they were from Waco, and that they were planning on coming to our church when they were released, and others asking for our church address so that they can write to us.

I forgot about this picture of the Hood-lums that was on my phone. So here is your picture from the weekend.


Papa Steve said...

Next time y'all can make time for it, we will have to get together for a night of Ed sing-a-long and fondue, or something. I am not going to promise a good impersonation, just a loud one.

Papa Steve said...

Oh, and maybe we can get Trenton to sing "In the Garden"....

Anonymous said...

Glad y'all had fun!

Please put the Mix-A-Lot impression online so I can see it. Pretty please? With sugar on top? And a cherry?