Honestly, I do not know what this product allegedly does, but the website says that it "is the first non-burning, non-drying, non-chafing, instant lip plumper."
Is this really something that the world could not get by without, a lip plumper? Also do you think that the result of using this product is that your lips are stuck in the position displayed in the picture?
Why are you online so late looking at women's lips?
It is only 10:30 here in California, what are you doing up so late reading my blog?
OK OK...you figured us out. Steve is not looking at other women's lips. Those are actually my lips. I've been using lip plumpers for the past couple years. Life was so hard before I started using it. The stares, the glances, the laughing at by little kids. Since using the lip plumper my life has been so much better. I can eat now without spitting everywhere. I can hold in water after I drink. Most importantly, I can now make great zingers and can whistle for hours.
Steve was just trying to protect my identity and not bring up all those old painful memories. But now you know...my lips have been plumped.
Yeah, my wife is freakin' FAMOUS!
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