Friday, August 22, 2008

Pop Quiz - Current Events

So, I am reading an article online about the higher incidence of people choosing not to immunize their children against childhood diseases, and they cite two moms in a small community in Oregon, one who immunizes her children as recommended by her Doctor and required by the school system, and another who decided to opt out and obtain a waiver based on her belief that it is unnecessary and potentially harmful to immunize.

Question: Based on the names of the children, can you guess which mother takes which stand?

Mother A (Jennifer) - children are named Hesperus, Athena and Etani

Mother B (Vanessa) - children are named Isabella and Haley


Anonymous said...

I'll write my answer in the form of a poem:

When you neglect shots
The rest of us
Might catch diptheria
From little Hesperus!

But that is nothing --
Wait until you see Athena,
Whose measles and mumps
Are making her look greena!

I feel most sorry for
Odd-named Etani,
Whose brush with diptheria
Cut short her destiny.

So, Mommy Jen,
What were you smoking
When you told the doc
"No shots! I ain't joking!"??

Anonymous said...

Is this question a trick?
I ain't like mab, she's quick,
But I have to confessa,
That I think it's Vanessa.

Papa Steve said...

No Bhoody, it was Jennifer. MAB is an absolute hoot.