Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas Songs!!?!

One of our local radio stations began playing “Christmas” music the week before Thanksgiving, and will continue until Christmas day. It is something that they have done for several years now, but it strikes me as funny as what is considered “Christmas” music. At least three or four times a day you can hear Rod Stewart and Dolly Parton sing that old Christmas favorite “Baby it’s cold outside”. I am sure you remember singing this one at church on Christmas Eve during the candlelight service…

“Now really I'd better scurry,
sweetheart, what's your hurry
Well, maybe just a half a drink more,
why don't you put some records on while I pour?”

Ahhh, the memories, singing the good old Christmas songs about men plying young ladies (Dolly Parton – young?) well, ladies with drink, and encouraging them to stay the night.

I will say that it is kind of fun to listen to the songs that they play. (Where else are you going to hear the Band Aid song “Do They Know It’s Christmas” anymore?)
But honestly, if I have to hear the Wham song “Last Christmas” much more, I do not know if I will make it until December 25th. This is the one that features those compelling lines

“Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away,
This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it someone special….”

I can’t believe that Wham ever had to break up.

So what’s your favorite “Christmas” song?

This blog brought to you today by the fantabulous "Waco Christmas Celebration" at Columbus Avenue Baptist Church!!!

Come on by this weekend, and bring your unsaved friends!

UPDATE: Cliff messaged me last night and said "i like that song...i hadn't heard it before until I heard it on Elf". OK, two things. I am not commenting on the "Likeability" of the song, Secondly, does the fact that the song is sung in a Christmas movie make it a Christmas song? If that is true, then why isn't the Irving Berlin song "Sisters" from "White Christmas" played every year?

"Sisters, Sisters,
There were never such devoted sisters,
Never had to have a chaperone, no sir,
I'm there to keep my eye on her
Caring, sharing
Every little thing that we are wearing
When a certain gentleman arrived from Rome
She wore the dress, and I stayed home"

If it were snowing when the naked one stayed home, would that have made it more Christmas-y? Or should the certain gentleman have arrived from Nome, would that have done it? Just wondering.


Anonymous said...

Mine is Silent Night

Anonymous said...

They give 'Feliz Navidad' an overdue amount of play as well. That has to be, bar none, the worst song ever written. I would sooner have "It's a Small World" piped directly into my brain for 24 hours straight than listen to that turd of a tune even one more time.

I enjoy a myriad of Christmas songs. "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" and "O Holy Night" are current favorites.

Anonymous said...

My favorite carol? Hmmm... I've always been a fan of O Holy Night, but I can't sing it well. (Very very very few can. Most people who try can't.) But, all time fave: O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

@the cachinnator: I also abhor 'Feliz Navidad.' I would rather have a root canal without anesthesia than listen to that song even once. (Sorry, KarenD!) I think radio stations play it to meet holiday carol Affirmative Action/Oh-Look-We're-Ethnic! requirements. It's the same reason they play Mele Kalikimaka: The Hawaiian Christmas Song. Which I also abhor.

Papa Steve said...

@mab I started to say "You should hear me sing 'O Holy Night' in the shower", but that just came out all wrong, so I won't say it

Anonymous said...

In return for you not saying that, Steve, I'll share this embarassing story about myself: In college I used to sing in the shower. Loud. (And only if my roommate was out.) Around Christmas, I was inspired to sing O Holy Night. But, I started it on too high of a note. So, you know what that means.... the chorus got REALLY high and I was practically screeching. When I finished the song (and the shower), I turned off the water. Unbeknownst to me, my roomie had come in and heard it all. When the water shut off I could hear her laughing hysterically. Then, she began to mock me. She mocked me all the way through finals and up to Christmas break.

I'm still not over that tragedy. And, while I still sing in the shower, I don't sing O Holy Night anymore. I save that for people's answering machines.

KarenD said...

Ha! That is stinkin' funny. I have lost all my Christmas CDs, so I have been subject to the repetitive stupidity of the annual Star Christmas celebration as well. It plays at work, so I probably hear those songs you mentioned once every hour. Sadly, I have them memorized.

Have you noticed that they also play Rudolph a lot? Oh, and this song:

Bells will be ringing, the sad sad news
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues.

Oh, and I'm also pretty tired of Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas.

KarenD said...

Oooh oooh, and this morning I heard this one for the umpteenth time:

The mood is right
The spirits up
We're all here
And that's enough
Simply having a wonderful Christmastime!

Anonymous said...

You know, Steve... I've been thinking that you really need an iPod or some other mp3 player. That way you could put all of your favorite Christmas carols into one playlist and take it everywhere you go. This would make you happy and jolly. And the happiness and jollility that result might make you more apt to buy spontaneous gifts for your family. They should really think about getting you something like that for Christmas!

Lydia said...

I totally agree with mab. The solution to bad Christmas music is to be able to pick your own! My Shuffle is full of Christmas carols: all my favorites, and no Feliz Navidad. Mele Kelikimaka is on there at least twice.

Yes, a Shuffle/iPod is definitely the answer to your Christmas woes. ;)

KarenD said...

Yes! Do it! Get an iPod and put your songs on there before you lose all your Christmas cds like I did and have no choice but to listen to non-stop Wham!

Anonymous said...

Now, Steve.... you were stuck in your office all day when work was cancelled. You read and commented on a variety of other blogs. But, did you update yours? Come on, man! We need to hear your wit! We need to hear your sarcasm! We need to hear your thoughts on American Idol!

Anonymous said...

The blogger {slash} Brit strikes again. Tag {slash}, you're it!