I don't want to just come out and say this because I know that this will come as a shock to most of you. Not just your ordinary "Oh my gosh, that guy from 'N Sync was gay" kind of shock either. Far more indicative of an end-times event than North Korea or Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. Tim LeHay will probably incorporate this fact into his next series of books. I believe that once I have divulged the information revealed to me, you will all agree with me, (as well as with R.E.M.), when I say "It's the end of the world as we know it." The fact that has been revealed to me is Clifford P. Lusk has completed his education!!!!

That is correct, after 23 short years, the formal education of Cliffy is largely complete. If you see him tell him congratulations (and it's about time). And if I know Cliff, I am sure he is praying that Jesus will come now, so that he won't have to actually take a real job.
That's why Cliffy wants to work with us. He thinks we just go to the beach all the time. We just took him to the beach all the time to fool him. See, we sucker him in and make him do all the work. Then we get to go to the beach all the time.
It's a beautiful plan, isn't it?
I'm not so sure we can call it "complete" yet. I could always keep going for the Ph.D, then I wouldn't have to start paying my student loans back. I figure....if I can just stay in school I'll never have to start paying them back. Or get a job for that matter.
Trust me, just because he finished and got a piece of paper does not imply that he was educated. You know what they say about when you assume...
Also, in order to join the fantasy football league, all I'll need is the email address you want to use for it. Go to my myspace and message me with that email and we'll get it rolling!
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