While Cliff was purging, and Teresa had to stay and hold his hand, the rest of us got together for a night of fun and festivity. There was the contest to see who could stick the most grapes in their mouth....
Brittney got up to three. Trenton thought it best to obscure a portion of his face, in the event he someday run for public office. You know, plausible deniability. Ties are optional for the Tuesday night dinner.

Steve had 25 in his mouth...

Elizabeth just chose to chuckle with her eyes closed, as if she were afraid to keep them open. Or was she actually just praying for deliverance? You know she talks like somebody from Deliverance....

Scott could not talk his friends from the Newsboys into playing,
So Staci won with a current indoor record of 28 grapes!!!

All in all, a great time was had by some, the food was good (black bean and beef burritos, mmmm, although definitely not purge-approved), and the UNO Attack was a lot of fun (when Brittney stopped cheating).
Thats got to be the funniest thing I've read all year! And since I'm no longer purging...bring on the CHEESE!!!!!!!!
For the record, I had more than 3 grapes!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anybody remember Chubby Bunny with marshmallows? And then all of the sudden we couldn't do it anymore because kids were dying all over the country from marshmallows. Who knew they were so deadly? So I'm assuming grapes are the new parent-approved mouth-stuffing food of choice?
P.S. - Staci looks like my pet hamster when I was a kid when he stuffed his face full of food just so he could move it to the other side of the running wheel. Do all animals have this face-stuffing instinct, or is it just humans and hamsters? And chipmunks! So maybe little rodents with big mouths, and big people with little mouths, or maybe little people with big mouths, or is it just people with mouths....? Anyway, you gotta admit it's a weird phenomenon.
Steve can't log into his blog...so there'll be no updates till thats fixed
Thanks papa bear, i will be laughing as i walk into my old testament class..this is a good thing as i may be crying as i walk out of my old testament class.
Keep them coming,
a fine southern baptist woman
you know, all southern baptist women are fine!
That's what I'm talkin' bout.
On another note...we discovered today that Steve would be a fine southern woman were he to shave!
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