I promised Scott that if he would get his haircut in March that I would get a tattoo. This was not just a spur of the moment thing, but something I had been thinking about for some time. The design is a combination of two elements. The ichthus, which of course is symbolic of Christ, surrounding 143, which has always been the way that Jan and I have communicated "I Love You" (The number of letters in each word, I-1, Love-4 and You - 3). So after considering it for some time, and four months after I made the commitment to Scott, I decided to go with him on Thursday to see about getting the tattoo. In my mind, this meant that I would find out if they could do it, and when, and how much it would be, etc. At any rate, one hour later, this is what my upper arm looked like.

For those who might be wondering, it really did not hurt that badly, and the worst part so far was sleeping the first night, since it is on my right arm, and I generally sleep on my right side, but even that was like having a bad sunburn.